Rashid Alakbarov and Oqtay
of Information Technology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan
The article
develops a method to ensure the efficient use of cloudlet resources by the
mobile users. The article provides a solution to the problem of correct use of
cloudlets located on the movement route of mobile users in Wireless
Metropolitan Area Networks - WMAN environment. Conditions for downloading necessary
applications to the appropriate cloudlet using the possible values that
determine the importance and coordinates of the cloudlets were studied. The
article provides a model of the mobile user's route model in metropolitan
environments and suggests a method for solving the problem.
Mobile computing
clouds, cloudlet network, mobile user, route model, connection channel,
metropolitan area network, virtual machine.
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Mr. Oqtay Alakbarov is PhD student of Institute of
Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. His primary
research interests include various areas in cloud computing, mobile cloud
computing, mobile technologies, particularly in the area of cloud technology
applications. He is the author of 3 journal scientific papers and 3
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