Thursday, August 23, 2018

An Efficient Bandwidth Optimization and Minimizing Energy Consumption Utilizing Efficient Reliability and Interval Discrepant Routing (ERIDR) Algorithm

Sivashanmugam.N1 and Jothi Venkateshwaran.C2 

1Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Presidency College, Madras University, Chennai-60005, Tamilnadu, India 
2 Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India 


The bandwidth utilization plays a vital role in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that transmits data packets from source peer to perspective destination peer without any packet loss and time delay. In a conventional system, two main features cannot be satisfied concurrently such as low delay and high data reliability and then the peer was transferred fewer data packets and it optimized with regular bandwidth rate. Moreover, the convention of bandwidth in network routers influences the quality of service (QoS). To overcome the above issues, an Efficient Reliability and Interval Discrepant Routing (ERIDR) algorithm is proposed to optimize bandwidth utilization on the router network with the help of bandwidth optimizer. The bandwidth optimizer allocates required bandwidth for data transmission to each peer simultaneously to ensure the bandwidth efficiency. The proposed design is to optimize bandwidth utilization of every peer and increase data processing via higher bandwidth rate that reduces time delay and minimizes energy consumption. The proposed method establishes a high bandwidth rate router to transmit data concurrently from source peer to destination peer (peer-to-peer) without any packet loss by initializing host IP address for every peer. Based on Experimental evaluations, proposed methodology reduces 3.32 AD (Average Delay), 0.05 ET (Execution Time), 5.44 EC (Energy Consumption) and 0.28 BU (Bandwidth Utilization) compared than existing methodologies. 


 Bandwidth Optimization, Energy Consumption (EC), Efficient Reliability and Interval Discrepant Routing (ERIDR) Algorithm, quality of service (QoS), Average Delay (AD), Execution Time (ET), and Bandwidth Utilization (BU).

A Security Analysis of IoT Encryption : Side Channel Cube Attack on SIMECK32/64

Alya Geogiana Buja1,2, Shekh Faisal Abdul-Latip1 and Rabiah Ahmad1 1 

 INSFORNET, Center for Advanced Computing Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, Durian Tunggal, 76100 Melaka, Malaysia 
2 Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, 40450 Selangor, Malaysia 


 Simeck, a lightweight block cipher has been proposed to be one of the encryption that can be employed in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Therefore, this paper presents the security of the Simeck32/64 block cipher against side-channel cube attack. We exhibit our attack against Simeck32/64 using the Hamming weight leakage assumption to extract linearly independent equations in key bits. We have been able to find 32 linearly independent equations in 32 key variables by only considering the second bit from the LSB of the Hamming weight leakage of the internal state on the fourth round of the cipher. This enables our attack to improve previous attacks on Simeck32/64 within side-channel attack model with better time and data complexity of 235 and 211.29 respectively. 


 Block Cipher, IoT, Lightweight Encryption, Security Analysis, Simeck 

Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Void Avoidance in UWSN Using Residual Energy and Depth Variance

Gulista Khan and R.K. Dwivedi 
Department of Computer Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, UP, India 


Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) is attracting the interest of most of the researcher because of the good opportunity to discover and catch the oceanic activities. As we know radio waves could not work efficiently in Underwater so Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASN) emerged as a most prevalent network to an outstanding range. UASN have some constraints in its deployment as well as acoustic wave communication. This limitation involves large propagation delay, transmission cost, very less bandwidth, high signal attenuation, and restricted accessibility of the nodes and non-availability of the recharging of nodes leads to the development of some energy saving algorithms to prolong the lifetime of the nodes. Routing technique must be rich enough to overcome all these constraints and give an energyefficient path by avoiding void regions and increase the network lifetime. Depth based algorithms proposed in the last decades use depth factor to estimate the path from sender to the sink. By having the holding time calculation they minimize the replication of information. Here, this per have proposed Energy Efficient Void Avoidance Routing Scheme for UWSN (E2RV) using Residual Energy and Depth Variance it used two hop node information to escape the void shacks in the network area along with this it is using regularized remaining energy and normalized depth of the nodes to estimate the path from data generating node to sink node. In this way E2RV not only removing the void holes but also maintains the energy depletion of the network nodes and upsurge the network lifetime. Simulation results show the improvement of E2RV over previously defined algorithms in terms of packet delivery ratio, duplications, less energy depletion and increased lifetime. 


 Acoustic, underwater wireless device networks, void region, residual energy, and normalized depth. 

A Hybrid Modulation Method for Dimming in Visible Light Communication

Wataru Uemura and Takahiro Kitazawa 
Department of Electronics and Informatics, Ryukoku University, Shiga, Japan


 In visible light communication in which information is superimposed on light, its communication range is visible. On the other hand, when the modulation that brightness is changed according to information is used, it is not good for the human eye because human feels flicker for the changed brightness. Therefore, the pulse width modulation which is used in the infrared remote controller, is not suitable for the visible light communication. And the pulse position modulation that sends information at the position of a pulse is often used. In pulse position modulation, for example, when one symbol uses four slots, quad information can be sent by turning on only one slot among the four slots and turning off the other three slots. In this method, the brightness becomes ¼ and feels not flicker but darker than when it is always on. On the other hand, when inverted pulse position modulation in which these slots of ON and OFF are reversed is used, since one slot is OFF, and three slots are ON, the brightness becomes 3/4, which does not become too dark. In this paper, we propose a hybrid modulation that can vary the brightness other than 1/4(25%) or 3/4(75%) by combining these pulse position modulation and inverted pulse position modulation. We have two experiments; one is measuring its communication performance and the other is the evaluation for visual flicker by the human eye and. From the view of the communication performance, each brightness is the same performance. So, the changing brightness does not affect to the performance. For the dimming, we interviewed 10 people how to feel the flicker in visible light communication. As the result, they do not feel the flickers. So, our proposed hybrid modulation method can be adapted for the dimming lighting equipment. 


 Visible Light Communication, lighting control, dimming, wireless communication 

New Interconnection Topology for Network on Chip

Laxminath Tripathy and Chitta Ranjan Tripathy 

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, India 


The architecture of networks on chip (NOC) highly affects the overall performance of the system on chip (SOC). A new topology for chip interconnection called Torus connected Rings is proposed. Due to the presence of multiple disjoint paths between any source and destination pair, this topology exhibits high fault tolerance capability. The proposed routing method can tolerate faults adaptively. TCR is simple in design and highly scalable. The detailed design and topological parameters are compared with alternate topologies. 


 Torus, Ring, MCR, Static routing algorithm, Dynamic fault-tolerant routing.

Routing Protocols Performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Millimeter Wave

Mustafa S. Aljumaily 

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 


 Self-Organized networks (SONs) have been studied for many years, and have attracted many researchers due to their substantial applications. Although the performance of such networks in the lower band networks (sub-6 GHz band frequencies) has been well studied, there are only sparse studies on SON in higher frequency bands, such as the millimeter wave (mmWave) band ranges between 28GHz and 300GHz. mmWave frequencies have attracted many researchers in the past few years because of its unique features and are now considered as an important part of the next generation of wireless communications namely (5G).In this paper, we study the performance of some well-known routing protocols in the case of mmWave Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) using the ns-3 mmwave module that was developed recently. SONs are within the goals for the next release of the 3GPP New Radio (NR) standardization process (Release-16) for the 5G, which makes the study of the behavior of such frequency bands for these networks an important activity towards achieving such goal. Mathematical and simulation results show a great improvement in the routing protocols delivery rates and power consumption when using mmWave compared to the sub6GHz band frequencies. 


Millimeter wave, Routing, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET), Self-Organized Networks (SON), 5G, performance evaluation.

Performances of Ad Hoc Networks Under Deterministic and Probabilistic Channel Conditions : Cases for Single Path and Multipath Routing Protocols

Mohammed Tarique and Rumana Islam 

Department of Electrical Engineering, Ajman University-Fujairah Campus P.O. Box 2202, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates 


 Deterministic channel models have been widely used in simulation and modeling of ad hoc network for a long time. But, deterministic channel models are too simple to represent a real-world ad hoc network scenario. Recently, random channel models have drawn considerable attention of the researchers in this field. The results presented in the literature show that random channel models have a grave impact on the performance of an ad hoc network. A comprehensive investigation on this issue is yet to be available in the literature. In this investigation, we consider both deterministic and random channel models to investigate their effects on ad hoc networks. We consider two different types of routing protocols namely single path and multipath routing protocols. We choose Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV), Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR), and Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) as the single path routing protocols. On the other hand, we choose Ad-hoc On-Demand Multiple Path Distance Vector (AOMDV) as the multipath routing protocol. The results show that some single path routing protocol can outperform multipath routing protocol under both deterministic and random channel conditions. These results surprisingly contradict the popular claim that multipath routing protocol always outperforms single path routing protocol. A guideline for choosing an appropriate routing protocol for adhoc network has also been provided in this work. 


 Network Protocols, Single Path, Multipath, DSR, AODV, DSDV, AOMDV, Random Channel, Deterministic Channels, Network Performances