Aseel AlRikabi and Taher AlSharabati
Al-Ahliyya Amman University/Electronics and Communications Engineering
Department, Jordan
In this paper, an interference method based on signal processing is proposed. The approach is based on
utilizing the maximum likelihood properties of the received signal. The approach is built on maximizing the
probability of the desired data. The GPS data, which is constructed using Binary Phase Shift Keying
(BPSK) modulation, is transmitted as “1’s” and as “0’s.” carried on 1575.42MHz carrier called the L1
frequency. The statistics of the GPS data and interference are utilized in terms of their distribution and
variance. The statistics are used to update (adaptively) the forgetting factor (Lambda) of the Recursive
Least Squares (RLS) filter. The proposed method is called Maximum Likelihood Variable Forgetting Factor
(ML VFF). The adaptive update takes on assigning lambda to the maximum of the probabilities of the
symbols based on the statistics mentioned.
Global Positioning System GPS, Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm, Forgetting Factor (λ),
interference, OTA carrier