Wednesday, November 9, 2016

International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC)

ISSN 0974 - 9322 (Online); 0975 - 2293 (Print)

Call for Papers

The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications .The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Networks & data Communications. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced networking concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the Computer Networks & Communications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Network Protocols & Wireless Networks
  • Network Architectures
  • High speed networks
  • Routing, switching and addressing techniques
  • Next Generation Internet
  • Next Generation Web Architectures
  • Network Operations & management
  • Ad hoc and sensor networks
  • Internet and Web applications
  • Ubiquitous networks
  • Mobile networks & Wireless LAN
  • Wireless Multimedia systems
  • Wireless communications
  • Heterogeneous wireless networks
  • Measurement & Performance Analysis
  • Peer to peer and overlay networks
  • QoS and Resource Management
  • Network Based applications
  • Network Security
  • Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
  • Optical Networking
  • Mobile & Broadband Wireless Internet
  • Recent trends & Developments in Computer Networks

Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through e-mail . Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.

Important Dates

·         Submission Deadline             : January 07,2017
·         Notification                            : February 07,2017
·         Final Manuscript Due             : February 15,2017
·         Publication Date                      : Determined by the Editor-in-Chief

                                  For other details please visit


Yukinobu Fukushima, Kazuki Kobayashi and Tokumi Yokohira

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,
Okayama University, Tsushima-naka 3-1-1, Kita-ku, Okayama-city, Okayama, Japan


Minimum Physical Hop (MPH) has been proposed as a peer selection algorithm for decreasing inter-AS (Autonomous System) traffic volume in P2P live streaming. In MPH, a newly joining peer selects a peer whose physical hop count (i.e., the number of ASes traversed on the content delivery path) from it is the minimum as its providing  peer. However, MPH shows high inter-AS traffic volume when the number of joining peers is large. In this paper, we propose IMPH that tries to further decrease the inter-AS traffic volume by distributing peers with one logical hop count (i.e., the number of peers or origin streaming servers (OSSes) traversed on the content delivery path from an OSS to the peer) to many ASes and encouraging the following peers to find their providing peers within the same AS. Numerical examples show that IMPH achieves at the maximum of 64% lower inter-AS traffic volume than MPH.


P2P Live Streaming, Peer Selection Algorithm, AS-friendliness

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Farnaz Farid, Seyed Shahrestani and Chun Ruan 

School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, 
Sydney, Australia 


In this paper, an application-based QoS evaluation approach for heterogeneous networks is proposed.It is  possible to expand the network capacity and coverage in a dynamic fashion by applying heterogeneous  wireless network architecture. However, the Quality of Service (QoS) evaluation of this type of network architecture is very challenging due to the presence of different communication technologies. Different technologies have  different  characteristics and the applications that utilize them have unique QoS requirements. Although, the communication technologies have different performance measurement parameters, the applications using these radio access networks have the same QoS requirements. As a result, it would be easier to evaluate the QoS of the access networks and the overall network configuration based on the performance of applications running on them. Using such applicationbased QoS evaluation approach, the heterogeneous nature of the underlying networks and the diversity of their traffic can be adequately taken into account. Through simulation studies, we show that the application performance based assessment approach facilitates better QoS management and monitoring of 
heterogeneous network configurations. 


QoS; QoS metric; Dynamic weight; Unified QoS Metric; application weight; weight

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016


 Shiu Kumar1,*, Ronesh Sharma2 and Edwin R. Vans3 

1,2,3 Department of Electronics Engineering, Fiji national University, Suva, Fiji 1,2 School of Engineering & Physics, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji 


As Wireless Sensor Networks are penetrating into the industrial domain, many research opportunities are emerging. One such essential and challenging application is that of node localization. A feed-forward neural network based methodology is adopted in this paper. The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values of the anchor node beacons are used. The number of anchor nodes and their configurations has an impact on the accuracy of the localization system, which is also addressed in this paper. Five different training algorithms are evaluated to find the training algorithm that gives the best result. The multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network model was trained using Matlab. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method in real time, the model obtained was then implemented on the Arduino microcontroller. With four anchor nodes, an average 2D localization error of 0.2953 m has been achieved with a 12-12-2 neural network structure. The proposed method can also be implemented on any other embedded microcontroller system. 


Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Algorithm, Localization, Neural Network, Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).

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Monday, November 7, 2016


 Mohammed Awad1 and Abdelmunem Abuhasan2

 1Department of Computer Systems Engineering, Faculty Engineering and Information Technology, Arab American University Jenin, 240, Palestine 2Department of Planning and Systems Analysis Manager, Arab American University Jenin, 240, Palestine 


A wireless network consists of a set of wireless nodes forming the network. The bandwidth allocation scheme used in wireless networks should automatically adapt to the network’s environments, where issues such as mobility are highly variable. This paper proposes a method to distribute the bandwidth for wireless network nodes depending on dynamic methodology;this methodology uses intelligent clustering techniques that depend on the student’s distribution at the university campus, rather than the classical allocation methods. We propose a clustering-based approach to solve the dynamic bandwidth allocation problem in wireless networks, enabling wireless nodes to adapt their bandwidth allocation according to the changing number of expected users over time. The proposed solution allows the optimal online bandwidth allocation based on the data extracted from the lectures timetable, and fed to the wireless network control nodes, allowing them to adapt to their environment. The environment data is processed and clustered using the KMeans clustering algorithm to identify potential peak times for every wireless node. The proposed solution feasibility is tested by applying the approach to a case study, at the Arab American University campus wireless network. 


 Clustering Algorithm, Wireless Network, Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution.

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Nam Nguyen and Takuro Sato 

 Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


 WiFi offloading is becoming one of the key enablers to help the network operators dealing with the exponentially growing demand of mobile data. The idea of using WiFi to offload data traffic from cellular network has proposed for many years. However, the interoperability issue between the two networks needs to be enhanced so that WiFi can efficiently supplement for the cellular network in case of congestion or outage. In this paper, we propose a novel network roaming and selection scheme based on 3GPP TS 24.312 and IEEE 802.11k, u standards to enhance cellular and WiFi interworking. The proposed scheme is aimed at enhancing the network roaming and selection so that WiFi network can serve as a supplement and backup access network for the cellular not only for congestion control but also in case of unexpected network failure event. We also model and evaluate the proposed scheme in a typical HetNet with interworking WiFi access points and cellular base stations. The simulation result shows that our proposed scheme quickly detects unexpected network failure event and assists active UEs to perform handoff to preferable alternative point of access. As a result, service disruption is substantially reduced and quality of experience (downlink/uplink’s throughput) is improved. Therefore, our proposed scheme can be used for a more reliable HetNet in terms of congestion control and disruption tolerance. 


 WiFi cellular interworking; reliable HetNet; congestion control; network failure tolerance.

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